Tooth enamel is the strong, outer covering of your teeth that protects your teeth from deterioration. Enamel, which is even harder than bone, is the toughest mineral substance in the human body. Despite its toughness, everyday acids produced by certain foods and beverages, particularly those that are sweet or include starch, might compromise your enamel. Acids produced by plaque bacteria can damage and erode tooth enamel. They can eat away at the tooth surface, softening it. And once your enamel is gone, it is gone permanently — meaning there is no treatment to repair enamel on teeth by reversing the damage.

Signs of Damaged Enamel

You may not be able to notice a damaged enamel easily. However, here are a few signs to look for:

  • If your teeth are yellow or extremely shiny, you may be suffering from tooth enamel loss
  • Increased sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet meals could be a symptom of early dental enamel loss. Tooth enamel loss in its later stages can result in more severe sensitivity
  • If the edges of your teeth are becoming rough, you may be experiencing the beginning stages of tooth enamel loss. Furthermore, indentations on the teeth’s surface may suggest dental enamel loss
  • In later stages of enamel loss, teeth sensitivity to temperature and sweet foods can become quite severe. You may experience a jolt of pain that can take your breath away

Treatment to Repair Enamel on Teeth

If your tooth enamel has become damaged, it is not possible to restore it. However, it is possible to restore a weakened enamel to some extent by mineralising it. For this purpose, you can consult your dentist about which toothpaste is best for repairing enamel. The dentist may also recommend certain mouthwashes that can help. It is important to remember that such products will never rebuild your enamel. They can improve the condition of the weakened enamel by contributing to its mineralisation and preventing further damage.

Your dentist can also recommend getting dental bonding, which will not only improve the appearance of the teeth but protect them against more damage as well. In cases of severe enamel loss, the dentist can perform treatments by covering the teeth with dental crowns or veneer. These will act as protective coverings and hide the severe damage on the teeth.

How to Prevent Damage to Tooth Enamel?

Before you reach a point where you have to seek treatment to repair enamel on teeth, it is better to take preventative measures to protect your enamel:

  • Avoid taking highly acidic foods and drinks
  • If you have to drink an acidic beverage, use a straw so that your teeth do not have direct contact
  • Cancel out acids by having milk or cheese at the end of meals
  • Rinse the mouth or brush your teeth if you snack on items rich in sugar and starch
  • Have a sufficient intake of water to prevent reduced saliva and dry mouth
  • Use toothpaste containing fluoride
  • Use a brush with soft bristles
  • Get treatment for conditions such as GERD, alcoholism, and bulimia

If you want to know about how to repair enamel or prevent enamel loss, call or visit our clinic to book an appointment or an initial consultation.

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